Soiled Pots

The most profound life lessons can be learned from the most trivial objects. Maybe God looks over us and laughs at how the ordinary, quotidian things cry out the answers we are looking for, while we hamper around, listless and discontent.

A soiled pot has taught me an important life lesson.

You have a soiled pot. You used it to cook something, and you don’t feel like washing it because you’re lazy. Put it away.

Come back to it after a couple of days. I doubt you’re going to want to come near it. It will be even more disgusting to wash it. Put it away again.

After a couple of days, you’re really not going to want to come near it. You wish you had washed it earlier. You are in a fix, but at least now you know that if you don’t deal with the pot right now, it’s going to be only worse.

Don’t bury your soiled pots away, get your ass moving and start cleaning them. Address the stifled emotions. Let go off shattered dreams and make space for new ones. Abandon some hopes, for some things shall never happen. Make the most of what you have by cleaning your pots and preparing yourself something new.


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